Bailey and I have decided that we are going to have a smaller wedding ceremony with close family and possibly a few friends. We will be having a larger reception with more people so we can all celebrate this happy day together! Thank you!!😊
Bailey and I have decided that we are going to have a smaller wedding ceremony with close family and possibly a few friends. We will be having a larger reception with more people so we can all celebrate this happy day together! Thank you!!😊
One random day in October of 2023 I got a notification on Snapchat that someone had added me. I clicked on it and it said 'Bailey Richards Added You' so I clicked on his profile to see what he looked like and decided to add him back. We had just snapped back and forth for a while, sending an occasional meme or funny video. On December 30, 2023, I went out to eat with my family for my birthday and posted a picture of me on my Snap Story. Bailey replied and said that I looked beautiful and to have a happy birthday.
We'd continued on like we had been except the Snapchat videos had become a more frequent thing.
On July 6, 2024, we were both bored so we decided to Facetime. We were on the phone for five hours just talking and making each other laugh, along with getting to know each other. We Facetimed about a week later and then they became a pretty frequent thing. On August 10, 2024, Bailey and I were on Facetime until four in the morning. We had been talking and making each other laugh so much that time flew by. During that time we had both confessed that we liked each other then Bailey asked me to be his girlfriend.
We started Facetiming pretty much every night before bed. Then one day Bailey and I decided that it was finally time to meet. I bought him a plane ticket. two weeks later, on October 17, he flew to Nebraska and we haven't left each other's sides since.
We've gone to our first concert together, he's met all of my family, took a 10-hour trip with my family to meet my brother and his family. He's gotten me a promise ring, bought me flowers (the first boy to ever do that), and lots of Dr. Pepper! We've had our ups, and we've had our downs. We've fought about stupid stuff, but we always worked it out and became stronger because of it. We make each other laugh and we know how to annoy the living daylights out of one another.
But above it all, we know how to love one another and grow with one another. I've never had anyone make me feel so excited for life the way Bailey does. And the same goes for Bailey (He wanted to make sure that you knew he did actually say it and meant it.)
May God bless this union that we are going to take part in and bless those who have taken part in this journey of ours!
1 Peter 4:8
~Bailey & Robin